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Altgriechisch Wörterbuch - Forum
Eine Würdigung des Themistokles (189 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 27.02.2024 um 09:27 Uhr (Zitieren)
Aelius Aristides, Or. 3, 209 f. (Rede zur Verteidigung der Vier):
There now remains Themistocles, the man who least of all deserved to win first at coming second [ἥκιστα δὴ πάντων ἄξιος ἐκ δευτερείων τὰ πρωτεῖα ἔχειν], even if it is patent that this is exactly what happened uniquely to him. The really difficult thing is perhaps to discover who comes second to him. At all events, he surpassed the victor of Marathon, the great man, the ... describe him how you will, he sur-passed him in all the circumstances of his life – how could I put this so as to command universal agreement? – by as much as Xerxes manifestly surpassed Darius in all his preparations.

Miltiades defeated the King’s subordinate commanders, Themistocles the King himself. After the battle of Marathon the King mounted another expedition, but after the sea battle at Salamis he ran away. The former defeat acted as a stimulus, but the latter made him give up, to the extent of thinking it enough of a gain if he could get safely away, because he knew that on the first occasion he had come with only a proportion of his whole force, but that now he had been defeated with practically all his men. So he neither had the confidence to stay put himself, nor sent anyone else after him, because he had nothing left to hope for.

The man he did leave behind, Mardonius, he left behind in what you might call a suicidal frame of mind [ἀλλὰ καὶ ὃν Μαρδόνιον θανατῶντα ὡς εἰπεῖν κατέλιπεν] and at the same time I think with the intention that the Greeks should have someone to keep them busy. [...]

(Aelius Aristides: Orations. Vol. II. Ed. by Michael Trapp. Cambridge (Mass.)/London 2021, pp. 170-173)
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