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Altgriechisch Wörterbuch - Forum
Ismenias und der Perserkönig Artaxerxes I. (184 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 12.07.2024 um 00:21 Uhr (Zitieren)
Artaxerxes I. regierte von 465 bis 424 v.u.Z.
1. Plutarch: Parallelbiographien

Die Reise zum König machten auch der Thebaner Ismenias und Pelopidas, nachdem er schon den Sieg bei Leuktra errungen hatte. Dieser tat nichts Entehrendes, und Ismenias ließ, als er aufgefordert wurde, den Fußfall zu tun, seinen Ring zur Erde fallen, bückte sich dann, um ihn aufzuheben, und erweckte so den Anschein, als täte er den Fußfall.

[Artaxerxes 22]

2. Aelian: Varia Historia

I would not wish to conceal an action of Ismenias the Theban which was both ingenious and typically Hellenic. This man was an envoy for his country sent to the Persian king. On arrival he wished personally to meet the Persian to discuss the business for which he had come. The official who took messages in to the king and presented petitioners said to him “But there is, Theban visitor (he spoke in Persian, using an interpreter, and the official’s name was Tithraustes), a national custom in Persia that a person who has audience with the king should not converse with him before kneeling in homage. So if you wish to meet him personally, this is the moment for you to do what custom prescribes. Otherwise, if you do not kneel, the same result will be achieved by us on your behalf.” Ismenias said “Take me in.” Entering and coming into full view of the king, he surreptitiously took off the ring he happened to be wearing and let if fall at his feet. Looking down quickly he knelt to pick it up, as if he were performing the act of homage. This gave the Persian king the impression of obeisance, but he had not done anything that causes Greeks a feeling of shame. He achieved everything he wished, and did not fail in any of his requests to the Persian king.

[I 21]

Re: Ismenias und der Perserkönig Artaxerxes I.
filix schrieb am 13.07.2024 um 12:46 Uhr (Zitieren)
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