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Lucretius und Turia (64 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 31.01.2025 um 00:20 Uhr (Zitieren)
Es geht um die Zeit der Proskriptionen des 2. Triumvirates.
1. Appian: Bürgerkriege

Lucretius, who had been wandering about with two faithful slaves and had become destitute of food, set out to find his wife and was carried in a litter, in the guise of a sick man, by the two slaves to the city. One of the bearers broke his leg, so Lucretius walked leaning upon the other. When they reached the gate where the father of Lucretius, who had been proscribed by Sulla, had been captured, he saw a cohort of soldiers coming out. Being unnerved by the coincidence, he concealed himself with the slave in a tomb. When some tomb-robbers came there searching for plunder, the slave offered himself to these robbers to be stripped till Lucretius could escape to the city gate. There Lucretius waited for him, shared his clothing with him, and then went to his wife, by whom he was concealed between the planks of a double roof until his friends got his name erased from the proscription. After the restoration of peace he was raised to the consulship.

[IV 44]

2. Valerius Maximus: Memorabilia

Proscribed by the Triumvirs, Q. Lucretius was hidden by his wife Turia between the ceiling and the roof of their bedroom [Q. Lucretium, proscriptum a triumviris, uxor Turia inter cameram et tectum cubiculi abditum]. So with one slave girl for accomplice she kept him safe from imminent death not without great risk to herself. When others of the proscribed barely escaped in alien and hostile regions at the price of cruel tortures of body and mind, he, thanks to her extraordinary fidelity, kept his life in his bedroom and the bosom of his spouse.

[VI 7, 2]

Zur Frage der Beziehung dieses Ereignisses zur Grabinschrift der Laudatio Turiae vgl. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laudatio_Turiae.
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