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Altgriechisch Wörterbuch - Forum
Eine himmlische Vision (1173 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 08.06.2021 um 15:44 Uhr (Zitieren)
While Dionysius [I.] of Syracuse still held himself in a private station, a woman of Himera, one of no obscure family, ascended into heaven, as she thought, in her sleep [inter quietem opinione sua caelum conscendit] and there, as she went round the dwellings of all the gods, saw a powerfully built man with blond colouring and a freckled face, bound in steel chains, prostrate below Jupiter’s throne and feet.

On asking the young man who had been her guide in her heavenly tour who this was, she was told that he was the dire fate of Sicily and Italy and that once freed of his bonds he would bring destruction to many cities.

Next day she spread that dream around in talk. Then Fortune [Fortuna], hostile to the liberty of Syracuse and the lives of the innocent, freed Dionysius from celestial custody and hurled him like a thunderbolt upon peace and tranquility.
When the woman saw him entering the walls of Himera amid a crowd that had turned out to greet and look at him, she cried out that this was the man she had seen in her dream. Reported to the tyrant, that gave him cause to do away with her [id cognitum tyranno causam tollendae mulieris dedit].

(Valerius Maximus I 7, ext. 6)
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