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Die Ermordung Hesiods (260 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 10.05.2022 um 15:55 Uhr (Zitieren)
Plutarch, Moralia:
1. Das Mahl der sieben Weisen

[...] Solon here entered the conversation: “Well, Diocles, let it be granted that these things are near to the gods and far beyond us; but what happened to Hesiod is human and within our ken. Very likely you have learned the story.”
“No, I have not,” said I.

“Well, it is really worth hearing, and so here it is. A man from Miletus, it seems, with whom Hesiod shared lodging and entertainment in Locris, had secret relations with the daughter of the man who entertained them; and when he was detected, Hesiod fell under suspicion of having known about the misconduct from the outset, and of having helped to conceal it, although he was in nowise guilty, but only the innocent victim of a fit of anger and prejudice.

For the girl’s brother killed him, lying in wait for him in the vicinity of the temple of Nemean Zeus in Locris, and with him they killed his servant whose name was Troïlus.

The dead bodies were shoved out into the sea, and the body of Troïlus, borne out into the current of the river Daphnus, was caught on a wave-washed rock projecting a little above the sea-level; and even to this day the rock is called Troïlus. The body of Hesiod, as soon as it left the land, was taken up by a company of dolphins, who conveyed it to Rhium hard by Molycreia.

It happened that the Locrian’s periodic Rhian sacrifice and festal gathering was being held then, which even nowadays they celebrate in a noteworthy manner at that place. When the body was seen being carried towards them, they were naturally filled with astonishment, and ran down to the shore; recognizing the corpse, which was still fresh, they held all else to be of secondary importance in comparison with investigating the murder, on account of the repute of Hesiod.

This they quickly accomplished, discovered the murderers, sank them alive in the sea, and razed their house to the ground. Hesiod was buried near the temple of the Nemean Zeus; most foreigners do not know about this grave, but it has been kept concealed, because, as they say, it was sought for by the people of Orchomenos, who wished, in accordance with an oracle, to recover the remains and bury them in their own land. [...]”

[Moralia 162 C-F]

2. Die Klugheit der Tiere

[...] The same thing (1) is said to have been done by the poet Hesiod’s dog, which convicted the sons of Ganyctor the Naupactian, by whom Hesiod had been murdered. [...]

[969 E]

[...] To the dolphin alone, beyond all others, nature has granted what the best philosophers seek: friendship for no advantage [τὸ φιλεῖν ἄνευ χρείας]. Though it has no need at all of any man, yet it is a genial friend to all and has helped many. The story of Arion (2) is familiar to everyone and widely known; and you, my friend, opportunely put us in mind the tale of Hesiod,

ἀτὰρ οὐ τέλος ἵκεο μύθων.
But you failed to reach the end of the tale. (3)

When you told of the dog, you should not have left out the dolphins, for the information of the dog that barked and rushed with a snarl on the murderers would have been meaningless if the dolphins had not taken up the corpse as it was floating on the sea near the Nemeon and zealously passed it from group to group until they put it ashore at Rhium and so made it clear that the man had been stabbed. [...]

[984 C-D]

(1) die Identifizierung eines Mörders durch einen Hund
(2) Vgl. Herodot I 24
(3) Homer: Ilias IX 56
Re: Die Ermordung Hesiods
Γραικύλος schrieb am 10.05.2022 um 17:02 Uhr (Zitieren)
Es hat wohl auch eine "Vita Hesiodi" des Plutarch gegeben, aber die ist verloren.
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