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Altgriechisch Wörterbuch - Forum
Isis und das Jahr (256 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 31.03.2024 um 16:53 Uhr (Zitieren)
Horapollon, Hieroglyphika I 3:
When they wish to represent the year, they draw Isis, that is, a woman. And they signify the goddess in the same way. And among them Isis is a star, called Sothis by the Egyptians, by the Greeks the Dog-Star, which appears to rule over the other stars. Now greater, now less, as it rises, and now brighter, now dimmer. And according to the rising of this star, we note how everything during the year is going to happen. Wherefore it is not unreasonable to call the year Isis. At other times they represent the year by a date-palm, because this tree alone at each new moon sends forth a branch, so that it unfolds twelve branches a year.

(The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo. Ed. by George Boas. New York 1950, p. 58 f.)
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