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WHO'S ON FIRST? (473 Aufrufe)
Γραικίσκος schrieb am 14.11.2011 um 17:31 Uhr (Zitieren)
Abbott and Costello


BUD: You know, strange as it may seem, they give baseball players peculiar names nowadays. On the St. Louis team Who’s on first, What’s on second, I Don’t Know is on third.

LOU: That’s what I want to find out. I want you to tell me the names of the fellows on the St. Louis team.

BUD: I’m telling you. Who’s on first, What’s on second, I Don’t Know is on third.

LOU: You know the fellows’ names?

BUD: Yes.

LOU: Well, then, who’s playin’ first?

BUD: Yes.

LOU: I mean the fellow’s name on first base.

BUD: Who.

LOU: The fellow’s name on first base for St. Louis.

BUD: Who.

LOU: The guy on first base.

BUD: Who is on first base.

LOU: Well, what are you askin’ me for?

BUD: I’m not askin’ you. I’m tellin’ you. Who is on first.

LOU: I’m askin’ you, who is on first?

BUD: That’s the man’s name.

LOU: That’s whose name?

BUD: Yes.

LOU: Well, go ahead and tell me.

BUD: Who?

LOU: The guy on first.

BUD: Who.

LOU: The first baseman.

BUD: Who is on first.

LOU: Have you got a first baseman on first?

BUD: Certainly.

LOU: Well, all I’m tryin’ to find out is what’s the guy’s name on first base.

BUD: Oh, no, no. What is on second base.

LOU: I’m not askin’ you who’s on second.

BUD: Who’s on first.

LOU: That’s what I’m tryin’ to find out.

BUD: Well, don’t change the players around.

LOU: I’m not changin’ anybody.

BUD: Now take it easy.

LOU: What’s the guy’s name on first base?

BUD: What’s the guy’s name on second base.

LOU: I’m not askin’ you who’s on second.

BUD: Who’s on first.

LOU: I don’t know.

BUD: He’s on third. We’re not talking about him.

LOU: How could I get on third base?

BUD: You mentioned his name.

LOU: If I mentioned the third baseman’s name, who did I say is playing third?

BUD: No, Who’s playin’ first.

LOU: Stay offa first, will ya?

BUD: Please, now what is it you’d like to know?

LOU: What is the fellow’s name on third base?

BUD: What is the fellow’s name on second base.

LOU: I’m not askin’ you who’s on second.

BUD: Who’s on first.

LOU: I don’t know.

BUD & LOU (together): Third base!

LOU: You got an outfield?

BUD: Certainly.

LOU: St. Louis got a good outfield?

BUD: Oh, absolutely.

LOU: The left fielder’s name.

BUD: Why.

LOU: I don’t know. I just thought I’d ask.

BUD: Well, I just thought I’d tell you.

LOU: Then tell me who’s playin’ left field.

BUD: Who’s playin’ first.

LOU: Stay outa the infield?

BUD: Don’t mention any names there.

LOU: I wanta know what’s the fellow’s name in left field.

BUD: What is on second.

LOU: I’m not askin’ you who’s on second.

BUD: Who is on first.

LOU: I don’t know.

BUD & LOU (together): Third base!

BUD: Now take it easy, man.

LOU: And the left fielder’s name?

BUD: Why.

LOU: Because.

BUD: Oh, he’s center field.

LOU: Wait a minute. You got a pitcher on the team?

BUD: Wouldn’t this be a fine team without a pitcher?

LOU: I dunno. Tell me the pitcher’s name.

BUD: Tomorrow.

LOU: You don’t want to tell me today?

BUD: I’m telling you, man.

LOU: Then go ahead.

BUD: Tomorrow.

LOU: What time?

BUD: What time what?

LOU: What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who’s pitching?

BUD: Now listen, Who is not pitching. Who is on ...

LOU: I’ll break your arm if you say who is on first.

BUD: Then why come up here and ask?

LOU: I want to know what’s the pitcher’s name!

BUD: What is on second.

LOU: I don’t know.

BUD & LOU (together): Third base!

LOU: You gotta catcher?

BUD: Yes.

LOU: The catcher’s name.

BUD: Today.

LOU: Today. And Tomorrow’s pitching.

BUD: Now you’ve got it.

LOU: That’s all. St. Louis got a couple of days on their team. That’s all.

BUD: Well, I can’t help that. What do you want me to know?

LOU: Gotta catcher?

BUD: Yes.

LOU: I’m a good catcher, too, you know.

BUD: I know that.

LOU: I would like to play for St. Louis.

BUD: Well, I might arrange that.

LOU: I would like to catch. Now Tomorrow’s pitching on the team and I’m catching.

BUD: Yes.

LOU: Tomorrow throws the ball and the guy up bunts the ball.

BUD: Yes.

LOU: So when he bunts the ball, me, bein’ a good catcher, I want to throw the guy out at first base. So I pick up the ball and I throw it to who?

BUD: Now that’s the first thing you’ve said right!

LOU: I don’t even know what I’m talkin’ about!

BUD: Well, that’s all you have to do.

LOU: I throw it to first base.

BUD: Yes.

LOU: Now who’s got it?

BUD: Naturally.

LOU: Naturally.

BUD: Naturally.

LOU: I throw the ball to Naturally.

BUD: You throw it to Who.

LOU: Naturally.

BUD: Naturally, well, say it that way.

LOU: That’s what I’m saying!

BUD: Now don’t get excited, don’t get excited.

LOU: I throw the ball to first base.

BUD: Then Who gets it.

LOU: He’d better get it.

BUD: That’s it. All right now, don’t get excited. Take it easy.

LOU: Now I throw the ball to first base, whoever it is grabs the ball, so the guy runs to second.

BUD: Uh-huh.

LOU: Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don’t Know. I Don’t Know throws it back to Tomorrow. A triple play!

BUD: Yeah, could be.

LOU: Another guy goes up and it’s a long fly ball to center. Why? I don’t know. And I don’t care.

BUD: What was that?

LOU: I said, I don’t care.

BUD: Oh, that’s our shortstop.

[Quelle: Rolf Giesen, Lachbomben. Die großen Filmkomiker. Vom Stummfilm bis zu den 40er Jahren. München 1991, S. 243-247]
Ὑληβάτης schrieb am 14.11.2011 um 18:26 Uhr (Zitieren)
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