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Altgriechisch Wörterbuch - Forum
Julian Apostata über Semiramis (259 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 17.09.2023 um 00:14 Uhr (Zitieren)
Julian Apostata, Oratio III: Lobrede zu Ehren der Eusebia (126D- 127B):
For they say that only those deeds are to be admired and are worthy of serious treatment and repeated praise which, because of their magnitude, have been thought by some to be incredible, those stories for instance about that famous woman of Assyria who turned aside as though it were an insignificant brook the river that flows through Babylon, and built a gorgeous palace underground, and then turned the stream back again beyond the dykes that she had made.

For of her many a tale is told, how she fought a naval battle with three thousand ships, and on land she led into the field of battle three million hoplites, and in Babylon she built a wall very nearly five hundred stades in length, and the moat that surrounds the city and other very costly and expensive edifices there, they tell us, her work.

[i[/The Works of Emperor Julian. Volume I. Ed. by Wilmer Cave Wright. Cambridge (Mass.) / London 1913, pp. 336 sq.)[/i]
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