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Altgriechisch Wörterbuch - Forum
Das Sexualleben des Demosthenes (163 Aufrufe)
Γραικύλος schrieb am 07.12.2023 um 16:11 Uhr (Zitieren)
Athenaios von Naukratis 592F-593a:
Demosthenes had a strong sex-drive, according to Idomeneus (FGrH 338 F 12[]/i]). When he was in love with a boy named Aristarchus, for example, he made a wild, drunken assault on Nicodemus (1) because of him and gouged out his eyes. Tradition has it that he also spent large amounts of money on fancy food, boys, and women. His secretary [γραμματεύς] accordingly once said regarding him: “What can you say about Demosthenes? Everything he’d accumulated in the course of a year got wasted by a single woman in a single night.” People claim, at any rate, that he moved a boy named Cnosion [Κνοσίων] into his house, even though he had a wife, and that she was so annoyed that she slept with Cnosion.

[i][Athenaeus: The Learned Banqueters. 8 Vls. Ed. by S. Douglas Olson. Cambridge (Mass.)/London 2006-2012; Vol. 6, pp. 422-425]

(1) Aristarchos ermordete Nikodemos 348 v.u.Z.; die Details sind unsicher, aber die Tat hatte anscheinend politische und persönliche Motive.

Re: Das Sexualleben des Demosthenes
Γραικύλος schrieb am 07.12.2023 um 16:13 Uhr (Zitieren)
Demosthenes had a strong sex-drive, according to Idomeneus (FGrH 338 F 12). When he was in love with a boy named Aristarchus, for example, he made a wild, drunken assault on Nicodemus (1) because of him and gouged out his eyes. Tradition has it that he also spent large amounts of money on fancy food, boys, and women. His secretary [γραμματεύς] accordingly once said regarding him: “What can you say about Demosthenes? Everything he’d accumulated in the course of a year got wasted by a single woman in a single night.” People claim, at any rate, that he moved a boy named Cnosion [Κνοσίων] into his house, even though he had a wife, and that she was so annoyed that she slept with Cnosion.
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